Thursday, October 13, 2011

La vie est bonne

My son recently said, "la vie est bonne."   Yes, life is great!   Things are going well for me.  I'm losing weight (slowly but still!)  I got to see my grandson several weeks ago and he is growing like a weed.  He has the sunniest smile I've ever seen and he's on the move. 

I found a CSA locally so Cassie and I will be buying a box every other week.  She's been doing a lot of cooking and baking and I get to share in the delicious spoils.  Granted, they are vegetarian/vegan dishes but they've actually been pretty good.  (However, I draw the line at vegan "butter" - disgusting taste!) 

I can't believe it's October already.  Cassie and I are planning to go apple and pumpkin picking later this month.  As the weather has been in the 90's these last few days, I'm hoping by then it will cool off and I'll think I'm back in New England. 

I've started my Christmas shopping and soon the countdown will begin.  Cassie and I will probably start listening to Christmas music in about a month.  Then by the time January 1st comes along, we'll be tired of it. 

Hope this finds you all well and that you're having "la vie est bonne" too.  I'll check back again soon.  In the meantime, keep up your blogs.  I love reading them!  Just wish I was as good as you all.   xoxoxo